A Guide to the Yummiest Juices for Losing Weight, According to the Pros

juices for weight loss

There are countless fad diets, supplements, and products marketed as easy solutions for weight loss. While the idea of a quick fix—like individual juices or juice diets—may seem appealing, experts generally agree that the safest and most effective way to manage weight is through a healthy, balanced diet and regular physical activity.

However, for people aiming to lose weight who want to incorporate juices into their diet, certain types of juice may support weight loss better than others. Read on for expert recommendations on the best juices that promote weight loss, what to look for in a healthy juice, and how to lose weight safely and sustainably.

Nutrition and Weight Loss

Simply put, weight loss requires consuming fewer calories than the body expends. However, several factors influence how quickly a person burns calories, including diet, physical activity, sleep, medications, genetics, and gut bacteria composition. While some factors are beyond control, nutrition is a daily choice that not only affects body weight but also impacts body composition, health, and overall well-being.

“The foods we chow down on have a big say in how our bods work, how we turn those eats into energy, and whether we pack on the pounds or keep it lean. It’s like our metabolism is this cool little engine inside us that decides what to do with the grub we give it. It’s super important to keep that engine happy and revving, so we don’t end up with extra jiggle where we don’t want it, ya know?” speed at which we digest it, and how satisfied we feel,” says Jenna Stangland, a registered dietitian in Minneapolis specializing in sports nutrition, who also serves as the team performance dietitian for the Minnesota Timberwolves and advisor to Momentous. “When aiming for weight loss, nutrition is a powerful component for success.”

4 Top Juices for Weight Loss, According to Experts

While no juice alone can cause weight loss, registered dietitians and weight management doctors agree the following juices, when included in a balanced diet, may help support weight loss:


Ginger juice may support weight loss, according to research highlighted by Wan Na Chun, a registered dietitian nutritionist and nutrition consultant for Health Insiders. A review of studies on ginger intake found that between 50 to 1,000 milligrams of ginger daily significantly reduced body weight, waist-to-hip ratio (a measure of abdominal obesity), fasting glucose, and insulin resistance while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. It’s worth noting that these studies used ginger supplements, not ginger juice.

Orland Mata Cruz, a family nurse practitioner specializing in obesity medicine, suggests combining carrot and ginger juice for a low-calorie, nutrient-rich option. “Carrots are high in beta-carotene and fiber, and ginger enhances thermogenesis and reduces hunger,” says Mata Cruz. Thermogenesis is the body’s process of burning calories to create heat.


“Beet juice is a powerful antioxidant-rich beverage that may support weight loss,” says Danielle VenHuizen, a Seattle-based registered dietitian and owner of Food Sense Nutrition. Studies show high antioxidant intake, like that found in beet juice, may help lower BMI in overweight individuals. Antioxidants can reduce inflammation linked to obesity and may support weight loss by promoting fat breakdown and enhancing metabolic function.

Beet juice may also aid weight loss by improving athletic performance. One small study found that people with obesity who drank nitrate-rich beet juice before workouts exercised longer and at higher intensity. Nitrates enhance athletic performance by improving oxygen uptake, increasing blood flow to muscles, and boosting muscle efficiency.

Beet juice may also increase good gut bacteria, which play a role in weight management. “A small glass of beet juice with a meal or added to a smoothie may provide benefits,” suggests VenHuizen. “But consult your doctor before adding it regularly to your diet, especially if you have kidney stones, as beet juice is high in oxalates.”

Tart Cherry

Tart cherry juice might boost metabolism by promoting better sleep, says Alyssa Pacheco, a registered dietitian. “Tart cherry juice has this cool stuff called melatonin, which is like a natural sleep aid. It’s great for when you’re trying to catch some z’s, because it helps you doze off and stay there for the night,” she says.Research shows improved sleep is linked to greater weight loss.

One small study found participants who drank tart cherry juice before bed had higher melatonin levels and better sleep quality than those who consumed a placebo. Pacheco recommends 8 ounces of unsweetened tart cherry juice before bed paired with a protein-rich snack to balance blood sugar levels.

Green Juices

“Fighting inflammation is key to weight loss,” says David Amron, M.D., a Los Angeles-based board-certified surgeon. “Green juice made from vegetables like kale, spinach, and parsley provides key nutrients, aids digestion, and reduces inflammation.”

Registered dietitian Carmelita Lombera suggests creating a nutrient-packed juice by mixing green vegetables with brightly colored fruits and vegetables like carrots, bell peppers, or tomatoes, and adding ginger or citrus for flavor.

Since fiber is crucial for gut health and weight loss, eating whole fruits and vegetables may be more beneficial than juicing, as juicing often removes fiber from produce.

What to Keep in Mind When Checking Out Juices for Shedding Pounds

When choosing juices for weight loss, Stangland recommends opting for cold-pressed juices made primarily from vegetables. “Processed juices often lose some bioactive compounds and vitamins, like vitamin C, during pasteurization,” she explains. Choose juices with a 3:1 vegetable to fruit ratio and avoid added sugar, says Chun.

The American Heart Association recommends women consume no more than 24 grams of added sugar per day and men no more than 36 grams. Registered dietitian Chrissy Arsenault suggests smoothies over juices to retain the fiber and nutrients that are lost in the juicing process.

Always read ingredient labels carefully to ensure you’re getting the health benefits without excess calories or sugars.

How to Use Juices for Weight Loss Safely, According to Experts

While fresh juice made from fruits and vegetables can be low in calories and high in nutrients, “simply drinking certain juices isn’t an effective weight loss strategy,” says Catherine Rall, a registered dietitian. “Sustainable weight loss requires regular exercise and a healthy diet—not just juice.”

Juice cleanses may seem like a quick solution, but experts agree they’re neither safe nor effective for long-term weight loss. Stangland points out that cleanses often lack essential nutrients like protein and healthy fats, and the initial weight loss is often due to water loss.

Instead, a balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, combined with regular exercise, provides a safer and more sustainable approach to weight loss.

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